Dementia-friendly church service: Patience

This week's slightly updated nondenominational worship service video is on patience. How do we patiently, faithfully live when we can't see very far ahead? As always, this service is suitable for older adults with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias. Watch the 44-minute church service on patience here. And here's the written agenda. Peace (and patience) … Continue reading Dementia-friendly church service: Patience

Two dementia-friendly church services: Beauty or Creativity

To coincide with Earth Day, I've suggested two choices for nondenominational worship service videos this week 😇. As always, both are suitable for older adults with Alzheimer's and other dementias. Option 1: Beauty. What makes a thing or an action beautiful? What do we perceive with our senses (sight, sound, smell, taste, touch) that we … Continue reading Two dementia-friendly church services: Beauty or Creativity

Dementia-friendly church service: Friendship

This week's newly recorded nondenominational worship service is on friendship -- a fun and memory-jogging topic for elders, including those with Alzheimer's and other dementias. Enjoy talking together about what makes a good friend (and a not-so-good friend), and how God's presence is the best friendship of all. Watch the 45-minute worship service on friendship … Continue reading Dementia-friendly church service: Friendship